DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.
OPEN - DOAJ is a vital part of the global open access infrastructure.
GLOBAL – DOAJ is a global community, with team members, ambassadors and volunteers based in 45 countries around the world, speaking 36 languages.
TRUSTED – Globally, DOAJ's criteria have become a gold standard for open access publishing.
Our mission
DOAJ's mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly research journals globally, regardless of discipline, geography or language.
DOAJ is committed to being 100% independent and maintaining all of its primary services and metadata as free for everyone.
Our vision
DOAJ works to build an equitable and diverse scholarly ecosystem where trusted research can be accessed globally without barriers.
DOAJ is an independent, non-profit organisation managed by Infrastructure Services for Open Access C.I.C. (IS4OA), a community interest company registered in the United Kingdom and with a branch in Denmark.
DOAJ relies entirely on the voluntary donations of its supporters. Neither DOAJ nor IS4OA receive grants or funding from any other source.
DOAJ has an Advisory Board and Council, the members of which carry out their duties voluntarily.
The work done by the DOAJ Team is supported by over 100 voluntary editorial staff who help us to review applications. All volunteers are bound by an agreement and must declare any conflicts of interest.
DOAJ also has a global network of Ambassadors who promote open access and best practice in their regions. Our Ambassadors are bound by an agreement and must declare all conflicts of interest.
Zero tolerance policy
We expect the members of our Team, our volunteers and our Ambassadors to always be treated courteously and with respect for the work they are doing. They should not be subject to abusive behaviour in any form, which includes:
- rude, disrespectful and offensive behaviour, including derogatory remarks or anything which amounts to verbal or emotional abuse in person or in communications
- sexually inappropriate comments or behaviour
- racist and discriminatory abuse
- threats of physical violence
- aggressive and violent behaviour
Partnerships and collaborations
DOAJ partners with many organisations. The nature of the partnerships varies and may include membership, contracts for work, exchanges of information or services, initiative signatories, or access to information resources that assist DOAJ with our application review process.
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