中国建筑业协会的宗旨是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党中央的重大决策部署,坚持党对本团体工作的领导,自觉遵守各项法律、法规, 认真履行提供服务,反映诉求,规范行为的职能,充分发挥服务国家,服务社会,服务行业,服务会员的作用,弘扬工匠精神,凝聚行业力量,为推动行业高质量发展贡献力量。
China Construction Industry Association was founded in October 1986 with the name of China Construction Industry Union, and was renamed as China Construction Industry Association (Abbreviated as CCIA) at the 2nd Council Meeting in 1993.
China Construction Industry Association (CCIA)is a nation-wide, industrial, non-profit social organization voluntarily participated by enterprises, governmental institutions, social groups and professional individuals engaging in housing, civil engineering, construction installation and construction decoration etc. from all regions and all walks of life in China.
Currently, CCIA has 71 group members, including 52 local construction industry associations in different provinces, autonomous regions, municipality directly under the central government and cities, and 19 associations in various special sectors including PLA Engineering Construction Association. And over 5000 company members (large construction enterprises) directly under CCIA
Over the past 3 decades, under the guidance and inspections of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) and MCA, CCIA has been earnestly fulfilling its functions as providing service; conveying requirement; and regulating conducts, been devoting to the promotion of sound and rapid development of construction industry, as a result earns great support and trust of both government and enterprises.
CCIA’s principle is: following the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, CCIA carries out and implements the major policies and deployments made by Party Central Committee, upholds the CPC’s leadership over the whole work of CCIA, and consciously abide by all relevant laws and regulations, seriously act on our function of providing service, conveying requirement and standardizing performance, gives full play to the role of serve the country, serve the society, serve the industry and serve the members, propagates the spirit of craftsmanship and concentrate the strength of the industry, so as to contribute to the advancement of quality development of construction industry.CCIA complies with the constitution, laws, regulations and policies of China, practices the core socialist value, promotes patriotism, follow the social morality, and consciously strengthen integrity and self-discipline.

第二条 中国建筑业协会各会员单位以及自愿参加本公约的建筑业企业,应自觉遵守本公约,并承担规定的义务。
第三条 守法经营,诚实守信,自觉维护建筑市场秩序,提供质量合格、用户满意的产品和服务。
第四条 严格按照资质等级核定的业务范围承揽工程,不挂靠,不转包,不违法分包。
第五条 依法、诚信承揽工程,杜绝围标、串标、行贿、弄虚作假、窃取商业秘密、签订阴阳合同等违法、虚假竞争手段。
第六条 维护行业整体利益,加强同业合作,公平、公正参与市场竞争,不以相互压缩合理价格和合理工期等手段承揽工程。
第七条 不接受建设单位肢解发包的工程、违规指定的分包单位、供货厂家和建筑材料。抵制垫资或变相垫资工程,建立完善的项目风险评估机制,有效防止因拖欠工程款行为造成的风险和损失。
第八条 规范合同管理,严格执行法定的计价原则和取费标准,不高估冒算,不以低于成本价格竞争,力争优质优价,避免合同纠纷。
第九条 严格执行国家、行业和地方的强制性标准规范,按照设计要求和建设程序,精心组织施工。强化施工动态管理,认真履行竣工验收制度,确保工程质量。
第十条 坚持材料复试、复检制度,防止不合格的材料、设备进入建筑工程。杜绝偷工减料、以次充好。
第十一条 重视技术创新,积极推广使用新材料、新技术、新工艺、新标准。贯彻落实建筑节能、环保政策,广泛应用节能、环保技术。
第十二条 落实安全生产责任制,严格持证上岗,遵守安全操作规程,防止安全事故发生。
第十三条 坚持以人为本,保护职工和农民工的合法权益,禁止恶意拖欠农民工工资。
第十四条 加强行业和企业的法务工作,积极防范和化解法律风险,坚持依法维权,运用法律手段,为行业和企业的发展营造良好的社会环境。
第十五条 遵守行规行约和职业道德准则,勇于承担社会责任,自觉接受社会监督,树立建筑行业的良好社会形象。
第十六条 对违反本公约的会员企业,中国建筑业协会视情况给予书面劝诫、公布其不良信息、行业通报批评等处置。对于严重违反本公约并造成重大不良影响的会员企业,中国建筑业协会取消其参与本会评奖评优资格,直至取消其会员资格。
第十七条 本公约由中国建筑业协会组织制定、修改、监督实施。
第十八条 本公约由中国建筑业协会第五次会员代表大会通过,自颁布之日起实施。