
人气指数: 更新时间: 2022-12-28
ICP备案: 苏ICP备06010441号-1 加入收藏

格金光集团(英文名:Sinar Mas Group)由印尼知名华人黄奕聪先生于1938年创立,现已拥有数百家法人公司,曾被世界著名财经杂志《福布斯》评为印尼第一大财团。金光集团投资范围远及亚洲、北美、欧洲、澳洲等地。经过不断创新发展,集团已形成七大核心产业:制浆造纸业、金融业、农业及食品加工业、房地产业、能源与基础设施、移动通讯以及健康医疗。1992年起,金光集团开始在中国投资。

空格其中浆纸业集团——APP(Asia Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd.)作为金光集团的主导产业,经过数十年不懈努力,已发展成为世界名列前茅的纸业集团公司。


空格农业及食品加工业的投资主要是通过其在新加坡上市的亚洲食品及不动产有限公司(Asia Food & Properties Co. Ltd.,简称AFP)进行。AFP作为印尼知名的棕榈油生产商,拥有世界上面积极大的私营棕榈种植园。AFP在中国投资了家喻户晓的华丰方便面和大满贯食用油。


Eka Tjipta Widjaja, a well-known Chinese businessman in Indonesia, founded Sinar Mas Group in 1938 and now owns hundreds of companies. Sinar Mas Group was recognized as one of the largest financial conglomerate in Indonesia by Forbes magazine. The scope of Sinar Mas Group's investments extends to Asia, North America, Europe, Australia and other lands. After continuous innovation and development, the Group has formed seven core industries: pulp and paper, finance, agriculture and food processing, real estate, energy and infrastructure, mobile communications and healthcare. Sinar Mas Group has been investing in China since 1992.

As the leading business of Sinar Mas, Asia Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. (APP) owns dozens of pulp and paper mills and over 1 million hectares of fast growing forests distributing in Indonesia, China and other places. APP has become the world’s top pulp and paper manufacturing company.

Investments in Financial Services include commercial banking, insurance, securities, investment, and credit card and leasing, which involve the provision of tailored financial products and services to both private and corporate clients.

Investments in Agri-business and Food are mainly conducted through Asia Food & Properties Co., Ltd. (AFP), which owns vast private palm plantation and owns the well-known brands, Huafeng instant noodles and Grand Slam vegetable oil.

Real Estate investments are mainly distributed in Indonesia, Singapore, United States and China. Well-known projects in China include the Bund Center, Sinar Mas Plaza, Arch Shanghai and the Shanghai Landmark Center.
