
目前公司的主营业务为液晶显示主控板卡和交互智能平板等显控产品的设计、研发与销售,产品已广泛应用于家电领域、 教育信息化领域、企业服务领域等,始终致力于通过产品创新、研发设计提升产品的用户体验,为客户和用户持续创造价值。公司自成立以来,依托在音视频技术、信号处理、电源管理、人机交互、应用开发、系统集成等电子产品领域的软硬件技术积累,面向多应用场景进行技术创新和产品开发,通过产品和资源整合等能力在细分市场逐步取得领先地位,并建立了教育数字化工具及服务提供商希沃(seewo)、智慧协同平台 MAXHUB 等多个业内知名品牌。


          公司将继续秉承“因我们的存在,让更多人事业有成、生活幸福”的企业使命,专注于“体验、效率、创造、赢”的企业理念, 依托公司多年来在研发、供应链、销售、服务等方面的技术沉淀与资源积累,通过不断的技术与产品创新,逐步发展成为行业内极具竞争力与影响力的科技公司。作为高科技企业,对研发和创新的投入亦是重点,拥有多个综合实验室,如设备投入近亿元的硬件性能实验室、化学实验室、可靠性实验室、失效分析实验室、OTA实验室、电磁兼容实验室、安全实验室、声学实验室等。同时,公司十分重视对核心技术的保护,截至2022年12月31日,公司累计授权专利超过8000件,拥有计算机软件著作权、作品著作权超过3000项。参与发布行业相关国家标准7项,行业标准8项,在标准化工作上,联动中国标准化研究院等外部机构超20家。在2022民营企业发明专利500家榜单中,公司荣幸登榜,位列第22名。

       经过17年的发展,凭借优秀的产品质量和对社会责任的担当,视源股份赢得了国内外众多机构、消费者的认可和信赖,并获得“2022年全国科技创新企业500强”、“2022中国制造业企业500强”、“2022年度最爱雇主奖”等荣誉称号。 作为国家制造业双创试点企业、国家技术创新示范企业、国家知识产权示范企业,视源股份正持续进取、锐意创新,在通向科技强国的道路上砥砺前行。

广州视源电子科技股份有限公司Guangzhou Shiyuan Electronic Technology Company Limited (图1)

Guangzhou Shiyuan Electronic Technology Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "CVTE") was established in December 2005 with a registered capital of RMB 668,030,956 and a number of business subsidiaries. As of December 31, 2021, the company had more than 5,400 employees, of which technical personnel account for about 60%. The average age of its employees is about 29.

To date, the company has been mainly engaged in the design, development and sales of display control products such as LCD main control boards and intelligent interactive tablets. Its products have been widely used in the field of home appliances, education information, enterprise services and so on. The company has always committed to improving user experience by product innovation and R&D design, creating constant value for customers and users. Since its establishment, the company has gradually gained a leading position in the segmented market, relying on the accumulation of software and hardware technologies in the fields of audio and video technology, signal processing, power management, human-computer interaction, application development, system integration and other electronic products, with technology innovation and product development for multiple application scenarios as well as capabilities in product and resource integration. It has also established seewo, a provider of educational informatization application tools and services, MAXHUB, an intelligent collaboration platform, and other well-known brands in the industry.

CVTE regards talents as the driving force of enterprise development and attaches great importance to the selection, cultivation, use and retention of talents. The company has set up a complete training mechanism to help each new member grow rapidly, including basic quality training, professional skills training, job training and management quality training, etc. The company fully ensures the rapid growth of each member by creating a clear rise channel and the platform for talents to utilize their abilities, and providing a comprehensive safeguard measures.

The company will continue adhering to the corporate mission that "our existence let more people have a successful career and happy life", focus on the business philosophy of “experience, efficiency, creation and winning" , relies on the technology and resources accumulation in terms of R&D, supply chain, sales, services and so on, innovate technology and products, so as to gradually develop into a highly competitive and influential technology company in the industry. As a high-tech enterprise, the investment in R&D and innovation is also a key point. The company is equipped with a number of comprehensive laboratories, such as hardware performance laboratory, chemical laboratory, reliability laboratory, failure analysis laboratory, OTA laboratory, electromagnetic compatibility laboratory, safety laboratory, acoustic laboratory, etc., which has been invested nearly RMB 100 million Yuan in facilities. At the same time, the company also values the protection of core technologies. As of December 31, 2021, the company had more than 6,700 authorized patents, more than 2,400 computer software copyrights and works copyrights, 2,285 domestic trademark registrations, and 310 international valid registered trademarks. Among them, the company ranked the 54th on the list of authorized patents of inventions of Chinese enterprises in 2021, the top 500 with patent strength of listed Chinese companies in 2021 (Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange companies), and the TOP100 of PCT international patent application list of Chinese enterprises in 2021.

 After 15 years of development, with excellent product quality and social responsibility, CVTE Has won the recognition and trust of many institutions and consumers at home and abroad. It has won honorary titles such as "Top 100 Listed Companies by Value in China's Main-board Market", "Top 500 Chinese Private Enterprises in Manufacturing Industry in 2021", "2021 Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Case Awards" and "2021 Sustainable Brands". As a national pilot enterprise of manufacturing innovation, national technological innovation demonstration enterprise and national intellectual property rights demonstration enterprise, CVTE is continuously forging ahead and innovating, striving to make contributions to the country's goal of becoming a nation of science and technology.



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CVTE First Industrial Park

Address192 Kezhu Road, Science Park, Guangzhou, P.R.China

Phone+86 (0)20-82075661

CVTE Second Industrial Park

AddressNo.6, 4th Yunpu Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, P.R.China

Phone+86 (0)20-82086168

CVTE Third Industrial Park

AddressNo.6, Liankun Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, P.R.China

Phone+86 (0)20-86154388

CVTE India

Address306-307, F3, Elegance Tower, Jasola Vihar, New Delhi, 110025, India

Phone+91 99108 83186

CVTE Fourth Industrial Park

AddressNo. 246, Shenzhou Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, P.R. China
