格林美股份有限公司(下称"格林美"或"公司")是基于绿色生态制造(G—Green E—Eco M—Manufacture)的理想,由许开华教授于2001年12月28日在深圳注册成立。格林美先后在深圳证券交易所(股票代码:002340)和瑞士证券交易所上市,总股本51.36亿股,净资产184.84亿元,年产值300余亿元,员工总数10000余人,位居中国民营企业500强(第484位)、中国制造业企业500强(第439位)、中国制造业民营企业500强(第315位)、中国环境企业50强(第2位)、2022福布斯中国可持续发展工业企业TOP50、2022胡润中国民营企业可持续发展百强榜(第7位),现已发展成为中国循环经济的领军企业、世界废物循环的领先企业以及世界硬质合金行业和新能源行业两大行业的供应链头部企业。

格林美股份有限公司 GEM CO., LTD. (图1)

Based on the concept of "G-Green E-Eco M-Manufacture", GEM Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as GEM) was founded by Professor XU Kaihua in Shenzhen on December 28, 2001. GEM has been listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code: 002340) and, in 2022, on the Swiss Stock Exchange. With a total share capital of 5.136 billion shares, net assets of 18.484 billion RMB, annual production value exceeding 30 billion RMB, and a workforce of over 10,000 employees, GEM ranks among the top 500 private enterprises in China (484th place), the top 500 manufacturing companies in China (439th place), the top 500 private enterprises in China's manufacturing industry (315th place), the top 50 environmental companies in China (2nd place), is listed on the 2022 Forbes China Sustainable Development Industrial Enterprises TOP50 and the 2022 Hurun China Private Companies SDG Readiness 100 List (7th place). GEM has now become a leading enterprise in China's circular economy, a global leader in waste recycling, and a top-tier supply chain company in two major industries: the global tungsten carbide industry and the new energy industry.

GEM is the first in China to put forward the industrial philosophy that "Limited Resources, Unlimited Recycling", and is an active advocator of the business model of "exploiting urban mines" to "eliminate pollution and recycle resources." Over the past two decades, GEM has adhered to the dual-track driven development model of "New Energy Materials Manufacturing + Urban Mining." GEM promotes carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals by establishing resource recycling and clean energy material models.

GEM possesses two national-level innovation platforms, including the National Engineering Research Center of Waste Electrical and Electronic equipment (WEEE) Recycling and the National Enterprise Technology Center. It is recognized as a National Technological Innovation Demonstration Enterprise and a National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise. The company has successfully tackled global technological challenges, developing recycling technologies for used batteries, green treatment of electronic waste, comprehensive resource recovery from scrapped vehicles, and the "core" technologies of ternary materials for power batteries. GEM has made key breakthroughs for China's core technologies and intellectual property system for the green treatment and recycling of typical waste resources, including used batteries, electronic waste, and scrapped vehicles.

As of the end of 2022, the Company has applied for 2,953 patents, and led/participated in the formulation and revision of 406 standards, ranking 233rd among Chinese enterprises in terms of patent applications. GEM has twice won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award and received over ten first prizes for provincial and ministerial-level scientific and technological progress awards. GEM's technological innovation capabilities lead the industry.

GEM has established 19 waste recycling and new energy material manufacturing facilities in 11 provinces and cities across China, as well as in South Africa, South Korea, Indonesia, and other locations. GEM's footprint in green development spans the globe, covering over 40% of China's land area and establishing waste management partnerships with more than 500 million people. GEM recycles and regenerates over 30 scarce resources, including cobalt, nickel, lithium, copper, tungsten, gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, gallium, germanium, indium, and rare earth elements.

GEM's recycling and processing capabilities are significant, handling more than 10% of China's retired power batteries and electronic waste, as well as over 5% of China's scrapped vehicles. GEM contributes to China's circular economy by supplying more than three times the amount of cobalt resources compared to China's original cobalt mining output, over 13% of nickel resources compared to China's original nickel mining output, and more than 6% of tungsten resources compared to China's original tungsten mining output.

GEM's core product, ternary precursor materials for power batteries, ranks among the top two globally, representing over 15% of the world market and serving the global new energy vehicle market from "green manufacture" to "manufacturing green." GEM's shipments of cobalt tetroxide for 3C digital batteries rank in the top three globally, accounting for over 20% of the world market. For a decade, GEM's ultrafine cobalt powder has held the top position in the global market, commanding over 50% of the market, with more than 60% of tungsten carbide factories worldwide using GEM's recycled ultrafine cobalt powder..

GEM has demonstrated through practical efforts that recycling resources can be a mainstream contributor to national economic development and strategic emerging industries.

Contact Us

Address:20/F, Building A, Rongchao Binhai Mansion, Haixiu Road, New Centre District, Bao'an, Shenzhen, China

