广东迅通计算机有限公司Guangdong Quick Network Computer Co., Ltd.


Guangdong Quick Network Computer Co., Ltd. was established in 1996, is a high-tech enterprise working on the research & development, manufacturing, sales and services, computer network systems software development, technical consulting and technical services of the security products. The company has a leading independent core technologies and sustainable research and development capabilities, company’s own products include front-end devices, back-end systems management platform and client software. In the field of education, safe city, the financial sector, corporate sector, government offices and many other areas of the industry, the company provide professional network monitoring solutions.

Main Products: Contact information

Network camcorder, PTZ dome cameras, Multistage network platform

  Name: XieKun

Tel: 0086-20-87771910

Fax: 0086-20-87770041

Address: 12th floor, Huihua Business and Trade building, No. 80, Xian Lie Zhong Road, Yuexiu

District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.


主打产品 公司介绍

网络摄像机、 网络智能球、 多级组网平台     广东迅通计算机有限公司成立于1996年,是一家专业从事安防产品的研发、生产、销售、服务及计算机网络系统软件的研发、技术咨询、技术服务的高科技企业。公司拥有国内领先的自主核心技术和可持续研发能力,公司自行生产的产品涵盖前端设备、后端管理平台及客户端系统软件。同时公司针对教育领域、平安城市领域、金融领域、企业领域、政务办公领域等众多行业提供专业的网络监控解决方案。



联系人: 谢昆

电 话: 0086-20-87770041

传 真: 0086-20-87771910

地 址: 广州市越秀区先烈中路80号汇华商贸大厦12层

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