佛山市顺康达医疗科技有限公司成立于2005年8月,是一家专业从事医疗康复器械研发,生产和销售的民营科技企业,公司坐落于广州与佛山交界的佛山市南海区桂城街道平南工业区,毗邻广州南站及三山港码头,交通便利,地理位置优越。公司拥有3万多平方米厂房,现有员工300多人,产品为家用医疗康复护理器械,浴室用品,行动辅助器具,医疗电子产品等。公司具有年产轮椅车30万辆;四轮助行车、拐杖及助行架500万台套;浴室洗澡椅、扶手等300万套的生产能力。产品远销世界50多个国家和地区,在国内外行业中享有很好的声誉。 “康健”牌产品已分布销售全国30个省和自治区, 每年生产和销售量稳步上升, 工厂生产和检测的设备齐全。

“科技引领未来”, 历年来公司本着科技创新精神, 不断提升产品技术含量、 产品品质和产品售后服务, 建立了一支高效专业的研发团队, 多次获得国家行政主管部门颁发的荣誉证书和国家专利证书。一直以来公司领导遵循科学发展观, 以锐利的眼光, 引进国际权威理论做为科学管理的指导方针,公司质量管理体系通过了TUV ISO9001:2008及ISO13485:2003质量管理体系认证。通过欧盟CE认证及美国FDA认证。

公司倡导以人为本的管理理念, 我们的宗旨是为顾客创造价值,给行动不便的人群及年老人携契精采新生活。 “回馈社会, 奉献爱心”, 公司积极参与和支持全国部分城市的扶贫助残工作, 向社会献爱心。


佛山市顺康达医疗科技有限公司Caremax Rehabilitation Equipment Co.,Ltd. (图1)

Caremax Rehabilitation Equipment Co.,Ltd. Was established in 1992, located at Pingnan Industrial Region, Nanhai District, Foshan City, China, covering the facility with 30,000 m2, having a very convenient itinery to Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hongkong.

Our team is highly motivated, producing high quality products included wheelchairs, rollators, crutches, walking canes, walker frames, commode chairs, bathroom accessories and so on. The products have been exported worldwide.

We have been certified the ISO9001:2000 and ISO 13485:2003, and also has obtained many internationally recognized certificates for all products, which are complied with relevant European and American approval standards such as TUV, CE, FDA, SGS certificates.

In order to maintain adcantage, our company has always been obtained the advance conception and technology through most active international congress on the professional seminar. Our innovative products are coming from a group of experienced engineers who not only putting safety as priority but also the first concern let the consumer to go anywhere as their free mind. This is our mission to create an easy life for people in need.

With 20 years history to guide excellent beand products and complex quality service, streamlined the management system and collaborated with you as our best business partner. Our vision is to get rid of the boundaries for elder&disable people.

Foshan Shunkangda Medical Tech Co.,Ltd

(Branch: Caremax Rehabilitation Equipment Co.,Ltd)

Address :  Pingnan Industrial Region, Guicheng St, Nanhai Area, Foshan, Guangdong, China

Telephone :  0086-757-81816516  /  81816518  /  81816536

Fax :  0086-757-81816523

P.C. :  528251

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