上海磐启微电子有限公司作为领先的智慧物联网、工业互联网芯片设计企业,成立于 2010 年,总部设立于中国上海,并在苏州和深圳分别设立了研发中心及分公司。目前公司拥有员工110余人,研发人员占比超过75%。核心团队多来自于国内外顶尖高校、科研机构。公司拥有专利超130项,涵盖了无线通信、射频、SoC等领域的关键技术。公司拥有低功耗广域网(LPWAN) Chirp-IoT™系列、BLE系列、BLE-lite系列三大产品,广泛应用于资产管理、室内定位、工业互联、智能家居、智慧城市等领域。在低功耗广域网领域,公司创新地采用混沌扩频理论、多维调制技术,研制出国内唯一完全拥有自主知识产权的、打破国际完全垄断的Chirp-IoT™系列芯片及平台。公司在基于BLE的AoA/AoD室内定位领域,依托公司BLE系列产品,推出国内第一款定位精度达亚米级的蓝牙AOA 室内定位系统xLocate™。以“自主芯片+算法” 的独特模式 开拓 室内定位在5G、行业内定位应用的新篇章。“磐石品质、启芯无限”,上海磐启微电子以“物联互联”为基本,着眼于国家三大基础设施建设,矢志成为国际一流的芯片设计企业。

上海磐启微电子有限公司Shanghai PANCHIP Microelectronics Co., Ltd.(图1)

Shanghai PANCHIP Microelectronics Co., Ltd. is one of the leading wireless communication and IoT chip design companies in China, which was founded by an experienced doctor from America in 2010. The headquarter locates in Shanghai, with R&D center in Suzhou and a branch in Shenzhen.PANCHIP has developed Chirp-IOT, a wireless spread spectrum communication platform based on the Internet of Things, and original phase modulation technology. Our low-power WAN physical layer chip compatible with the mainstream LPWAN protocol breaks the monopoly of foreign companies in this field. Moreover, it is a completely domestic chip with independent intellectual property rights, with industry-leading performance, cost and reliability.With our new developed retail shelf labeling system based on ultra-low power 2.4GHz technology, we cooperated with Alibaba IOT Division and firstly started the whole business process, including label, communication card, gateway and cloud on the Alibaba Feiyan Platform. This shelf label products have been produced and shipped massively. In the field of indoor positioning, the company takes the lead in the research of the Bluetooth AOA technology in China, and will soon launch the first indoor positioning system xLOCATE 1.0 based on Bluetooth AOA technology, with advantages of high positioning accuracy 0.5~1.0m and extremely low cost. It is certain to create a precedent for high-precision positioning technology in industrial environments.




Add:3-F, Bldg D,  No.666 summer, Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Road




Add: Fuhua Technology Building 3-A, No.199 Chongwen Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province





3A08, Unit 1 of Building 3, Zhongke Building, No. 9 Gaoxin South 1st Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen