亨斯迈纺织染化(中国)有限公司 Huntsman Textile Effect (China) Co., Ltd.

​亨斯迈纺织染化(中国)有限公司 Huntsman Textile Effect (China) Co., Ltd.(图1)


Flying Geese Mountain Industrial Park, Shilou Town, Panyu, Guangzhou

邮编/P C:511447





亨斯迈纺织染化是纺织及相关行业内全球领先的高品质染料和化学品供应商,我们在纺织行业的竞争力集中在研究和开发卓越的解决方案,以创造创新性的产品和具智能效能的技术,如保鲜、防晒或最先进的染料,来减少对水、时间和能源消耗。亨斯迈纺织染化一系列的创新工艺、产品和高科技效能将支持我们的客户致力于提高质量、优化生产成本和减少浪费,从而帮助他们减少纺织生产时对环境的影响。更多关于亨斯迈的信息,请访问公司网页: http://www.huntsman.com/textile_effects/

Huntsman Textile Effects is the leading global provider of high-quality dyes and chemicals to the textile and related industries. Our textile competence is dedicated towards researching and developing excellent solutions to create innovative products and technologies with intelligent effects, such as built in freshness, sun protection or state-of-the-art dyes to reduce water, time and energy consumption. Huntsman TE's range of innovative processes, products and high-tech effects will support our customers in their endeavor to improve quality, optimize production costs and reduce waste to help minimize the environmental impact of textile production. For more information, please visit our website: www.huntsman.com/textile_effects